Affiliated to M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly

College Calendar

Registration Open

Seats Limited
Courses ":B.Sc. (Home Sc.),B.Sc. (Ag)"
Dr. D.P. Singh Mahavidyalaya, Shahjahanpur
  Dr. D.P. Singh Mahavidyalaya, Shahjahanpur
Hathora Bujurag, Shahajanpur-242001

Mo.:9415060459, 9198686472
Email: dpsmahavidyalayaspn@gmail.com
  About us
  1. Modern civilization has advanced considerably in the field of mass education, but the result is that people are more unhappy that ever before because of the stress placed on material advancement to the exclusion of the most important part of life , i.e., spiritual aspect. Those who play the role of helping this sort of civilization in the name of educational advancement are actually doing more than those who are on the platform of gross sense of gratification. Above all the senses in the mind, and above the mind is the intelligence and the intelligence is the soul.

    Thus the aim of real education should be self realization and restoration of the spiritual values. Education which not lead to such realization must be considered leading to nescience. By the culture of such nescience one goes down to the darkest region of ignorance.
  Silent features…
    • Affiliated with state government
    • Affiliated with MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
    • A Green field available for B.Sc. (Agriculture)
    • Affiliated in B.Sc. ( Home science ) from 2019
    • A large lush green area of college premises.
    • Transportation is available besides the college.
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